Project: Open Data

This project consists of making D3.js visualization of Open Data) made available by the Government of Canada.

Getting Started

There are sample visualization in the subdirectories. It should be as simple as opening one of the HTML file from the subdirectories in your browser to get started. Rendered examples can be seen on GitHub here:

The CSV/JSON is loaded from sources hosted on GitHub. This is to work around cross origin request issues when requesting the files directly from or from disk.

It may be easier to have access to a CSV file directly. To make this this possible, you have to make the files in this directory available through a web server. If you have python installed, an easy way to get started is to run one of the following commands from this directory:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
php -S localhost:8000

You can then access documents by navigating to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser.


Open Data

